Get help with an injury


ONLINE consultation

These sessions are conducted online via private video chat. Most problems can be accurately assessed through a series of questions and self-tests conducted during the video chat.

  • Up to 60-minute video consultation, education, and a personalized rehab strategy.

  • Videos explaining the exercises you need to do will be sent along with a rehab template.



    $165 FOLLOW-UP (up to 30 MINS)

rehab coaching

This option is great for clients who need more accountability or support in their rehab process. This includes:

  • 60-minute video consultation, education, and a personalized rehab strategy.

  • 8 weeks of one-on-one online rehab coaching including weekly feedback, video analysis, unlimited e-mail, and text support plus one video/phone call follow up (if needed).

  • First book a New Client Consultation and on that call we can determine if this option is appropriate for you and will invoice you for that option separately after or the first call.


    $800 NEW CLIENT CONSULTATION + 8 WEEKS online 1:1 REHAB coaching + FOLLOW-UP + unlimited EMAIL, voice, & TEXT SUPPORT

    **If you are interested in this option, book a consultation and let me know on the intake form. If it seems like a good fit and we decided to move forward, the rest of the cost will be billed to you via an invoice. If you are interested in this option but not sure, let me know during the consultation and we can discuss how it works.


Wondering if I can help with your specific injury?

Chances are very high that I can but, check out my FAQ SECTION for a list of injuries that I usually work with. Don’t see yours listed there? Send me a message through the link at the bottom of this page and I can let you know if a consultation would be appropriate for you or not.

Not sure which option is good for you?



Testimonials from online clients

“When you're injured, the list of things to panic about can accumulate quickly. One of the first things I did after dislocating my elbow while bouldering was to contact Dr. Natasha, and she just as quickly helped me reframe my attitude and start building a recovery plan. I'd heard great things around the web and reached out regarding remote consultations.

The video conferences were easy to schedule and very helpful! It was critical to me to work with a rehab specialist who works with climbers due to the paranoia and overreaction that I was getting from local doctors (most of whom had recently seen Free Solo and were freaked out about climbers' bodies).

Having previously trained as a powerlifter, I also appreciated that aspect of her own background and how she incorporated that style of training into my recovery program. (Using deadlifts and rack pulls to restore range of motion to my elbow? Genius!)

I'm nine months recovered from my injury and climbing hard again! Thank you so much, Natasha!”

- Callahan W.

“I wasn’t sure whether or not an online consultation was going to be for me. I came to Dr. Natasha as a climber with a chronic shoulder injury and was worried that without seeing me in person that she wouldn’t know what was wrong.

After talking with her via video chat it was very clear that there were no red-flags and she was able to assure me after some pointed questions and self tests she had me perform that nothing was seriously damaged or torn which made me feel a lot better. I needed some sort of strengthening program to help me build capacity in my shoulders for the climbing goals I have.

I was worried about not being able to figure out the exercises on my own but she had videos and explanations prepared and a rehab/training template she sent me to follow. She even gave me some helpful form feedback after I sent her some videos after my first week of trying the rehab. After a couple weeks I was feeling significantly less pain, had more range of motion, and, more importantly, felt WAY more confident using my shoulder climbing. 6 weeks later I’m completely pain free and feeling stronger through my shoulders than ever!

Who would have thought I would love shoulder press and bench press so much!

Dr. Natasha knows her stuff and I tell all my friends to see her! She won’t give you fluff and online consultations are perfect if you are not in San Francisco. It was really important to me to work with someone who understands climbing and has gone through similar shoulder injuries.”

- Jill C.

I came to Natasha to rehab one of the more traumatic climbing injuries I've experienced: a partial tear of my right pec.I was really scared of doing too much and re-injuring it, but I also wanted to return to hard climbing as soon as possible. Natasha's expertise and experience (she'd successfully recovered from the exact same injury herself) gave me the confidence to proceed with a more aggressive rehab plan than I would have been comfortable pursuing on my own. The plan she created for me was clear and unambiguous. I'm certain it helped me come back faster than I would have otherwise, and her approach will inform how I rehab future injuries. I also appreciated that she made herself available via email outside of our initial appointments to answer nagging questions or provide advice. 

- Alex F

Testimonials from in-person clients

“Truly incredible work and education by Dr. Barnes! I was told by three different MD's after 2 different MRI's that I would need surgery for a traumatic climbing-related knee injury. 5 weeks later I am working up to 1.5x body weighted deadlifts and squats- and feeling mentally and physically revitalized.

Natasha's work is ultimately bringing up the overall quality of medicine that we as a community can expect - and rests on a foundation of functional medicine that doesn't require you to sit around and wait for your surgery date.

- Clara L.

“Natasha completely rewired how I think about injury: I now recognize that one must engage in an active rehab program and focus on healing AND gaining strength simultaneously to promote recovery.

I have learned so much about self-treatment and have gained holistic knowledge rather than one-time relief. I am so grateful to Natasha - we are so lucky to have her in our community.”

- Celeste B